September 10, 2007

I hate my writing

So, I read my photo post and realized that I hate the way I sound when I am writing. I just plain old don't like it. It feels like fingernails on a chalkboard. This isn't a new issue for me. When I traveled with Youth Encounter, we each had to write a journal entry and submit it online to some sort of forum database thing. (Think blog but slow and less pretty.) The first two months all of my journal entries sounded as if I was possessed by some sort of writing demon. The lowest quality of my journal entries was about one of the more memorable experiences I had stateside. The overall unimpressive nature of my writing has been preserved at the archive section of the Youth Encounter pages. I managed to turn a great experience into something trite. I feel as though I am doing this again and I am now issuing a call for help.

Here is what I am reading right now: If you write like you talk, readers will listen
Any critique out there for me? Help me sound human again.

Update: 4/6/2013
Anne Lamott's text Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life has been very helpful.

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