August 6, 2007

Political Link: Pick Your Candidate

I've always struggled with how to pick and ideal candidate to support. As far as I can tell by the conservative media's standpoint some form of mutant that finds just about every Democrat and Republican a little too conservative. I figure it would be fun to post a few political links every now and again.
Here is a tool that allows you to rank your most stances on different issues and weigh them from meh to key. The only downside to this tool is it only includes the republican and democratic candidates.

Pick your ideal candidate


Dwight said...


took two tries though... I had to switch from agree to disagree on a few topics :D

Jon said...

Dang it Jason, I was going to post this last night, but my net connection isn't working yet.

Also, I am going to have to go with my ideal candidate being a Mix of Dennis K, Bill R, and Ron P. Also, they would be as likable as Obama.

But that will never happen.